Thy Mind

Integrative Psychiatry

Mental Health Treatment for the Mind, Body, & Spirit

Values & History

My personal experience overcoming chronic mental suffering, addictions, and emotional disorders compelled me to enter the field of psychiatry. I have a deep obligation to give back what was given to me.

My greatest desire is to help others find the relief I have found by creating a path that leads to peace, healing, and restoration of the mind, body, and spiritual connection.

Medication is a true gift and can be part of the treatment plan. But medication alone will not produce the level of healing available.

I will work side-by-side with you to improve your brain health and restore mental wellness through implementing individualized treatment recommendations. The primary focus is improving the overall health of the mind, body, and spirit to treat you as a whole person.

Our integrative approach includes utilization of psychotherapy, exploring physical health, enlarging spiritual connections, and the use of medication when needed.

I am excited to work with you as you begin your personal journey to discovering the inner peace, freedom, and healing you seek!

Key Features That Set Us Apart

Treating the Mind, Body, and Spirit collectively is necessary to achieve full healing.  If the body is not given the proper nourishment, then our physical body, brain, and spirit all suffer.  If we are filled with negative and self-defeating thoughts our spirit grieves, and physical and mental illness increases.  If our spiritual life is neglected everything languishes and we are left feeling empty or restless and “uncomfortable in our skin”.  We sometimes turn to harmful and unhealthy solutions to fill the spiritual void felt in the center of our soul.  These behaviors can continue the cycle of imbalance and distress.  Therefore, uncovering our natural weakness in each area, and then knowing what to do with them, is essential to gaining the freedom we seek.  


The mind refers to our thoughts, emotions, and mental well-being. The mind is primarily governed by our thinking patterns. Our thoughts are so powerful that we can generate new neural pathways referred to as neuroplasticity. One way this occurs is through deliberate positive thinking. Our body responds to all our thoughts and our thoughts react to the signals within our bodies. They are interconnected. Gaining awareness and control over our thoughts and destructive thinking patterns gives increased power over our mental health and the physical reactions occurring in our body.

Part of our treatment goals will include becoming awake, aware, and accountable for our thoughts. We aim to discover thinking patterns that are causing distress and learn more effective thought processes. Practices like mindfulness, mediation, therapy, and self-reflection can cultivate a positive mindset and improve mental resilience.

Taking care of our thinking patterns and mind can have numerous benefits for our mental health. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Improved emotional well-being: By taking care of our thinking patterns, we can cultivate a more positive and optimistic mindset. This can lead to increased happiness, contentment, and overall emotional well-being. When we manage negative thinking patterns, such as excessive worry or rumination, we can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

2. Enhanced self-awareness: Taking care of our thinking patterns involves becoming more aware of our thoughts and the impact they have on our emotions and behaviors. Developing self-awareness allows us to identify unhelpful or distorted thinking patterns, such as negative self-talk or catastrophizing. This awareness enables us to challenge and reframe these thoughts, leading to a more balanced and realistic perspective.

3. Increased resilience: By cultivating a healthy and adaptive thinking style, we can enhance our resilience in the face of adversity. Resilience refers to our ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. When we take care of our thinking patterns, we develop a more positive and solution-focused mindset, enabling us to navigate difficulties with greater flexibility and perseverance.

4. Improved problem-solving skills: Taking care of our thinking patterns involves developing effective problem-solving skills. By challenging negative or rigid thinking, we can approach problems with a more open and creative mindset. This allows us to generate alternative solutions, think critically, and make better decisions. Improved problem-solving skills can reduce stress and improve overall mental well-being.

5. Enhanced interpersonal relationships: Our thinking patterns significantly impact how we perceive and interact with others. Taking care of our mindset involves developing empathy, compassion, and positive communication skills. By cultivating a more positive and understanding approach, we can improve our relationships, foster deeper connections, and reduce conflicts. Positive thinking patterns can also contribute to a more supportive and nurturing social network, which is essential for mental health.

6. Increased focus and concentration: A cluttered or distracted mind can impair our ability to focus and concentrate. Taking care of our thinking patterns involves practicing mindfulness and developing techniques to calm and quiet the mind. By reducing mental clutter and distractions, we can improve our focus, attention, and productivity. This can lead to reduced stress and a greater sense of accomplishment.


Taking care of your body and physical health has a significant impact on your overall mental health. The body is cared for through regular physical activity, elimination of toxins, and increasing high-nutrient foods. Here are a few ways in which they are interconnected:

1. Release of endorphins: Engaging in physical activities like exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, which are known as “feel-good” hormones. These endorphins help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting a positive mood and improving mental well-being.

2. Stress reduction: Eliminating stress increasing substances, feeding the body and brain the right nutrients, and regular physical activity will reduce stress levels. Exercise and the right nutrients lower the production of stress hormones like cortisol and increases the production of endorphins, which act as natural stress relievers. This can lead to improved mental clarity and a greater ability to cope with daily challenges.

3. Improved sleep: Taking care of your body through regular exercise and a balanced diet can enhance the quality of your sleep. Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining good mental health. Sufficient and restful sleep helps regulate emotions, improves concentration, and boosts overall cognitive function.

4. Boosted self-esteem: Engaging in physical activities, achieving fitness goals, and taking care of your body can enhance self-esteem and self-confidence. This positive self-perception can have a significant impact on mental well-being, leading to improved overall mental health.

5. Increased cognitive function: Exercise and proper nutrition promotes better blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function, memory, and concentration. Regular physical activity has been linked to a reduced risk of cognitive decline and certain mental health disorders, such as dementia.

6. Social interaction: Many physical activities, such as team sports or group fitness classes, provide opportunities for social interaction and connection. Socializing and building supportive relationships can have positive effects on mental health, reducing feelings of isolation and improving overall well-being.


The spirit represents our inner self and our connection to something greater than ourselves. Nurturing the spirit involves finding meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in life. This can be achieved through practices like prayer, meditation, spending time in nature, engaging in creative endeavors, practicing gratitude, and seeking connection to a Power greater than yourself. Seeking connection to a Higher Power can be achieved through more traditional activities that can include study of scriptures, participation in religious organizations, personal prayer, and additional seeking through involvement with a religious organization of your choice, use of a spiritual mentor, and personal prayer.

Having a spiritual connection has several benefits to overall health. Here are some ways in which spirituality can positively impact your overall well-being:

1. Sense of purpose and meaning: Spiritual beliefs and practices can provide a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Having a clear understanding of your values, beliefs, and the greater purpose can give you a sense of direction and help you navigate through life’s challenges. This sense of purpose can contribute to a greater sense of fulfillment and contentment, promoting better mental health.

2. Coping with adversity: Spirituality can provide a source of strength and resilience during difficult times. Belief in God, a Higher Power, a Divine Presence, Spirit of the Universe, or whatever name you choose to call your higher power, can offer comfort, hope, and a sense of support during challenging circumstances. Spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, or mindfulness can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, providing effective coping mechanisms.

3. Enhanced emotional well-being: Spirituality can contribute to improved emotional well-being by promoting feelings of gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion. Spiritual practices often encourage self-reflection and self-awareness, allowing individuals to better understand their emotions and develop healthier ways of managing them. This can lead to increased emotional resilience and a greater ability to regulate emotions.

4. Connection and community: Engaging in spiritual practices often involves being part of a community or group with shared beliefs and values. This sense of belonging and connection can provide social support, reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, and promote overall mental well-being. Being part of a spiritual community can also provide opportunities for meaningful relationships and a support system during challenging times.

5. Perspective and acceptance: Spirituality can help individuals develop a broader perspective on life and cultivate acceptance. It can encourage individuals to let go of control, accept uncertainties, and find peace in the present moment. This shift in perspective can reduce anxiety and promote a sense of inner calm and contentment.

6. Self-care and self-reflection: Spirituality often emphasizes the importance of self-care and self-reflection. Engaging in spiritual practices can encourage individuals to prioritize their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This can involve practices such as meditation, journaling, or engaging in activities that promote self-care and self-reflection, leading to improved mental health.

It is important to note that spirituality is a deeply personal and individual experience. What works for one person may not work for another. It is essential to explore and find spiritual practices that resonate with you and align with your beliefs and values.

Overview of Services

Psychiatric Evaluations & Medication Management

We offer comprehensive psychiatric evaluations conducted by licensed mental health professionals. Evaluations involve a thorough assessment of an individual’s mental health, including their psychiatric history, symptoms, and current functioning. We utilize evidence-based assessment tools, conduct a clinical interview, explore physical health through lab work and review of medical conditions. We will also explore outside factors that could be contributing to symptoms. We aim to uncover anything contributing to the symptoms, so we are best able to accurately diagnose mental health conditions and develop personalized treatment plans.

In the near future our goal is to also provide the opportunity for SPECT imaging scans of the brain to aid in the assessment of mental health disorders.

Group Therapy and
Support Groups

Group therapy can offer numerous benefits for individuals seeking therapeutic support. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Supportive Environment: Group therapy provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can share their thoughts, emotions, and experiences with others who may be facing similar challenges. This sense of belonging and understanding can alleviate feelings of isolation and provide a valuable support network.

2. Shared Perspectives: In a group setting, participants have the opportunity to gain different perspectives on their own issues and challenges. They can learn from others’ experiences, gain insight into alternative viewpoints, and discover new strategies for coping and problem-solving.

3. Validation and Normalization: Group therapy can provide validation and normalization of one’s experiences. Hearing others share similar struggles and realizing that they are not alone can reduce feelings of shame, self-blame, and isolation. It helps individuals recognize that their difficulties are common and that others have overcome or are working through similar issues.

4. Increased Self-Awareness: Group therapy can enhance self-awareness by providing a mirror for individuals to see themselves through the eyes of others. Feedback and reflections from group members can help individuals gain insight into their patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. This increased self-awareness can be instrumental in personal growth and making positive changes.

5. Learning and Skill Development: Group therapy often incorporates psychoeducation and skill-building components. Participants can learn new coping strategies, communication skills, stress management techniques, and problem-solving techniques. The group setting provides a supportive environment to practice and receive feedback on these skills.

6. Empowerment and Hope: Witnessing the progress and growth of other group members can instill a sense of hope and motivation. Seeing others overcome challenges, develop resilience, and achieve personal goals can inspire individuals to believe in their own capacity for change and growth.

7. Interpersonal Growth: Group therapy offers opportunities for interpersonal growth and improved relationship skills. Participants can practice effective communication, conflict resolution, empathy, and assertiveness within the group setting. This can translate into improved relationships outside of therapy.

8. Cost-Effective: Group therapy is often more cost-effective than individual therapy, making it a more accessible option for many individuals. It allows individuals to receive support and guidance from a trained therapist while sharing the cost with other group members.

It’s important to note that group therapy may not be suitable for everyone or for every type of concern. Some individuals may benefit more from individual therapy or a combination of individual and group therapy. It’s essential to consult with a mental health professional to determine the most appropriate therapeutic approach for one’s specific needs and goals.

Educational Workshops

Participation in educational groups can offer numerous benefits. here are some of them.

1. Knowledge and Understanding: Educational groups provide valuable information and resources about a variety of topics. These topics range from mental health conditions, diet and nutrition, treatment options, coping strategies, and self-care techniques. New skills are learned, and valuable information gained that will increase success in healing. As they say, “knowledge is power”.

2. Support and Validation: These groups create a supportive environment where individuals can share their experiences, challenges, and successes with others who may be going through similar situations. It offers a sense of belonging and validation, reducing feelings of isolation.

3. Skill Development: Educational groups often focus on teaching practical skills for managing mental health, such as stress reduction techniques, communication skills, problem-solving strategies, and coping mechanisms. Participants can learn and practice these skills in a safe and guided setting.

4. Empowerment and Self-Advocacy: Being part of an educational group can empower individuals to take an active role in their mental health journey. They can learn to advocate for themselves, make informed decisions, and actively engage in their treatment and well-being.

5. Peer Support and Social Connection: Interacting with others who share similar experiences can foster a sense of community and provide a support network. Participants can exchange insights, offer encouragement, and learn from each other’s experiences, promoting social connection and reducing feelings of loneliness.

6. Reduced Stigma and Increased Awareness: Educational groups contribute to reducing stigma and raising awareness about mental health.

By participating, individuals can challenge misconceptions, promote understanding, and become advocates for mental health in their communities. Participating in educational groups related to mental health can be a transformative experience, offering knowledge, support, and skills that can positively impact one’s mental well-being.



Support Groups For
Adults & Adolescents 

 Eating Disorders
 Spiritual Dilemmas

 Group Therapy  Eating Disorders 

CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) utilizes various techniques to address maladaptive eating behaviors in individuals with eating disorders. Here are some commonly used techniques:

1. Self-Monitoring: Individuals are encouraged to keep a detailed record of their eating behaviors, thoughts, emotions, and associated triggers. This self-monitoring helps identify patterns and gain insight into the factors that contribute to maladaptive eating behaviors.

2. Psychoeducation: Psychoeducation plays a crucial role in CBT. Therapists provide information about eating disorders, their causes, and the effects they have on physical and emotional well-being. Understanding the nature of the disorder helps individuals gain insight into their behaviors and motivates them to make positive changes.

3. Cognitive Restructuring: This technique focuses on identifying and challenging distorted thoughts and beliefs about body image, food, and weight. Individuals learn to recognize negative and irrational thoughts, and then replace them with more accurate and adaptive thoughts. This process helps individuals develop a healthier and more balanced mindset.

4. Exposure and Response Prevention: This technique is often used in the treatment of eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. It involves gradually exposing individuals to feared situations, such as eating trigger foods or experiencing body image distress, while preventing the usual maladaptive response (e.g., bingeing or purging). Over time, this helps individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduces the urge to engage in maladaptive behaviors.

5. Behavioral Activation: This technique aims to increase engagement in positive and healthy behaviors, such as regular eating patterns, exercise, and self-care activities. By focusing on increasing positive behaviors, individuals can reduce the time and energy spent on maladaptive eating behaviors.

6. Problem-Solving Skills: CBT helps individuals develop problem-solving skills to overcome challenges related to their eating disorder. They learn to identify obstacles, generate alternative solutions, and evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies. This skill-building process empowers individuals to take active steps towards managing their eating behaviors more effectively.

7. Relapse Prevention: CBT emphasizes relapse prevention by teaching individual’s skills to identify and manage potential triggers and high-risk situations. Individuals learn to develop a relapse prevention plan, which includes strategies for maintaining progress and seeking support when needed.

It’s important to note that the specific techniques used in CBT may vary depending on the individual’s needs and the type of eating disorder they are experiencing. Therapists tailor the treatment approach to address the unique challenges and goals of each person.


Childrens Mental Health is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Helping children improve their mental health is a priority.  Addressing mental health needs early in life can prevent the escalation of problems and mitigate the long-term impact of untreated conditions.

CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH – 2022 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report – NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)http://CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH – 2022 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report – NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)

By prioritizing children’s mental health, we invest in the well-being of our future generation and create a healthier, more compassionate, and resilient community. It is a fundamental responsibility to ensure that children have the support they need to thrive and reach their full potential.

By fostering a culture of mental health awareness and support from a young age, we can create a society that values and prioritizes mental health for everyone.

Group Resilience Training and Therapy for Children

Horticulture Therapy

Horticulture therapy, also known as gardening therapy, can be beneficial for children with anxiety and anger issues in several ways:

1. Stress reduction: Engaging in horticulture activities, such as planting, watering, and caring for plants, can have a calming effect on children. The act of gardening and being in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety, providing a sense of peace and relaxation. It allows children to focus their attention on the present moment and the nurturing process, which can help distract from anxious or angry thoughts.

2. Emotional regulation: Horticulture therapy provides children with a constructive outlet to express their emotions. Working with plants and engaging in gardening activities can serve as a healthy and productive way for children to release anger or frustration. The repetitive and rhythmic nature of gardening can have a soothing effect, helping children regulate their emotions and find a sense of inner calm.

3. Connection with nature: Spending time in nature has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits, including reducing anxiety and anger. Horticulture therapy allows children to connect with the natural world, which can have a grounding and healing effect. Being surrounded by plants, trees, and flowers can evoke a sense of serenity and provide a peaceful environment for children to find solace and release negative emotions.

4. Sense of accomplishment: Engaging in horticulture activities provides children with a sense of purpose and achievement. Watching plants grow and flourish as a result of their care and effort can boost self-esteem and confidence. This sense of accomplishment can counteract feelings of anxiety or anger and provide a positive outlet for their emotions.

5. Skill development: Horticulture therapy offers opportunities for children to develop various skills. They can learn about plant biology, gardening techniques, and the importance of environmental stewardship. Engaging in gardening activities can also improve fine motor skills, coordination, and problem-solving abilities. Developing these skills can enhance children’s sense of competence and self-efficacy, contributing to a positive self-image and reducing anxiety or anger.

6. Social interaction: Horticulture therapy can be a group activity, providing opportunities for social interaction and connection with peers. Working together in a garden setting allows children to engage in cooperative tasks, share their experiences, and support one another. This social interaction can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, providing a supportive environment for children to express their emotions and build positive relationships.

7. Increased mindfulness and presence: Gardening requires children to be present in the moment, focusing their attention on the task at hand. This mindfulness practice can help children with anxiety or anger manage their emotions by redirecting their thoughts and grounding them in the present. The sensory experience of gardening, such as touching the soil or smelling the flowers, can further enhance mindfulness and promote a sense of calm.

Overall, horticulture therapy can be a valuable tool for children with anxiety and anger issues. It provides a nurturing and peaceful environment, promotes emotional regulation, fosters a sense of accomplishment, and offers opportunities for skill development and social interaction. By engaging in horticulture activities, children can find solace, develop coping mechanisms, and build resilience to better manage their anxiety and anger.

Support Group for Kids Who are Bullied.

Being part of a support group for bullied children can provide numerous benefits for kids who have experienced bullying:

1. Validation and empathy: One of the most significant benefits of a support group is that children who have been bullied can find validation and empathy from others who have gone through similar experiences. In a support group, they can share their stories, emotions, and challenges with peers who understand and empathize with their situation. This validation can help them feel heard, understood, and less isolated in their experiences.

2. Emotional support: Support groups provide a safe space for bullied children to express their emotions and receive emotional support from others who have faced similar challenges. Sharing their feelings and experiences with peers who can relate can be cathartic and therapeutic. It allows them to release pent-up emotions, gain perspective, and find comfort in knowing they are not alone.

3. Coping strategies and skills: Support groups can offer practical strategies and skills to help bullied children cope with their experiences. Peers may share effective techniques they have used, such as assertiveness training, conflict resolution, or self-care practices. Learning and practicing these coping strategies in a supportive environment can empower children and provide them with tools to better navigate bullying situations.

4. Increased self-esteem and confidence: Being part of a support group can boost a bullied child’s self-esteem and confidence. In the group, they can receive positive feedback, encouragement, and validation for their strengths and resilience. Hearing stories of others who have overcome bullying can inspire them and provide hope for their own journey. This positive reinforcement can help rebuild their self-image and belief in their abilities. 5. Peer connections and social skills: Support groups for bullied children provide an opportunity to build connections with peers who have similar experiences. Through group discussions and activities, children can develop social skills, such as active listening, empathy, and effective communication. They can learn from one another, practice assertiveness, and receive feedback in a safe and supportive environment, which can improve their overall social interactions. 6. Empowerment and advocacy: Being part of a support group can empower bullied children to become advocates for themselves and others. They can learn about their rights, how to assert boundaries, and strategies for seeking help. By sharing their stories and experiences, they can raise awareness about the issue of bullying and work towards creating positive change in their school or community. 7. Sense of belonging: Support groups provide a sense of belonging and community for bullied children. They can find comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their experiences and that there are others who understand and support them. This sense of belonging can be a source of strength and resilience, helping them navigate the challenges of bullying and build a positive support network. Overall, being part of a support group for bullied children can offer validation, emotional support, practical coping strategies, increased self-esteem, and a sense of belonging. It can empower them, help develop social skills, and foster advocacy for themselves and others. Support groups provide a vital space for healing, growth, and building resilience in the face of bullying.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Children

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for children can be highly beneficial for emotional regulation, anger, and anxiety in several ways:

1. Identifying and understanding thoughts and emotions: CBT helps children recognize and understand the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It teaches them to identify and challenge negative or distorted thoughts that contribute to anger or anxiety. By gaining insight into their thoughts and emotions, children can develop a greater sense of self-awareness and understand how their thinking patterns influence their emotional experiences.

2. Cognitive restructuring: CBT helps children reframe and restructure their negative or irrational thoughts. By challenging and replacing negative thoughts with more realistic and positive ones, children can reduce their anxiety or anger. They learn to examine the evidence for their thoughts, consider alternative perspectives, and develop more balanced thinking patterns. This cognitive restructuring helps children develop a more adaptive and constructive way of interpreting and responding to situations that trigger anxiety or anger.

3. Coping skills and strategies: CBT equips children with a range of coping skills and strategies to manage their emotions. They learn specific techniques to regulate their emotions effectively, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness exercises. CBT also teaches children problem-solving skills, assertiveness training, and effective communication strategies, empowering them to address situations that provoke anger or anxiety in a constructive manner.

4. Behavior modification: CBT incorporates behavioral techniques to address anger and anxiety. Children learn to identify the behaviors associated with their anger or anxiety and develop strategies to modify them. They may engage in exposure therapy to gradually face anxiety-provoking situations, helping them overcome their fears and reduce anxiety. Through behavior modification techniques, children can learn alternative ways of responding to triggers, reducing anger outbursts or aggressive behaviors.

5. Building resilience and self-efficacy: CBT helps children develop resilience and a sense of self-efficacy in managing their emotions. Through the therapeutic process, children gain confidence in their ability to cope with anxiety or anger-inducing situations. They learn that they have control over their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, empowering them to take proactive steps to regulate their emotions effectively. This increased self-efficacy promotes a sense of empowerment and reduces feelings of helplessness or being overwhelmed.

6. Parental involvement and support: CBT for children often involves parental involvement and support. Parents are educated about the principles and techniques of CBT, enabling them to support their child’s progress outside of therapy sessions. They can reinforce and practice the skills learned in therapy, provide a supportive environment, and help their child implement behavioral strategies at home. Parental involvement enhances the effectiveness and generalization of CBT techniques in managing anger and anxiety.

7. Long-term benefits: CBT equips children with lifelong skills and strategies for emotional regulation, anger management, and anxiety reduction. The techniques and insights gained in therapy can be applied in various areas of their lives, helping them navigate future challenges. CBT provides children with a foundation for building resilience, adaptive thinking patterns, and effective coping skills that can have long-lasting positive effects on their emotional well-being.

Overall, CBT for children is beneficial for emotional regulation, anger management, and anxiety reduction by helping them identify and understand thoughts and emotions, challenging negative thinking patterns, developing coping skills, modifying behaviors, building resilience, and involving parental support. By addressing the underlying cognitive and behavioral factors contributing to anger and anxiety, CBT provides children with practical tools to manage their emotions and improve their overall well-being.

Educational Workshops

Whole Food Diet

This educational workshop on a Whole Foods diet focuses on promoting the consumption of natural, unprocessed, and nutrient-dense foods. The workshop would aim to educate participants about the benefits of adopting a Whole Foods diet for overall health and well-being. The workshop could cover various topics, including:

1. Introduction to Whole Foods Diet: Explaining the concept of a Whole Foods diet, which emphasizes the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

2. Nutritional Benefits: Discussing the nutritional benefits of whole foods, such as their high fiber content, abundance of vitamins and minerals, and low levels of added sugars, trans fats, and sodium.

3. Meal Planning: Providing practical tips and guidelines for meal planning and preparation to incorporate more whole foods into daily meals. This may include recipe ideas, grocery shopping tips, and strategies for meal prepping.

4. Label Reading: Teaching participants how to read food labels and identify additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients commonly found in processed foods. Emphasizing the importance of choosing foods with minimal ingredients and avoiding highly processed products.

5. Cooking Demonstrations: Conducting cooking demonstrations to showcase simple and delicious recipes using whole food ingredients. This can help participants learn new cooking techniques and inspire them to incorporate more whole foods into their daily meals.

6. Mindful Eating: Encouraging participants to practice mindful eating by paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, savoring flavors and textures, and cultivating a positive relationship with food.

7. Health Benefits: Discussing the potential health benefits of a Whole Foods diet, such as weight management, improved digestion, increased energy levels, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and improved overall well-being.

8. Q&A Session: Allowing participants to ask questions and seek clarification on any aspect of the Whole Foods diet, providing personalized guidance and support.

Parent Education

Parent education in supporting children with mental health issues offers several benefits:

1. Increased Knowledge: Parent education provides parents with a deeper understanding of various mental health conditions, their symptoms, and treatment options. This knowledge enables parents to recognize signs of distress in their children and seek appropriate help and support.

2. Improved Communication: Parent education equips parents with effective communication strategies to engage in open and supportive conversations with their children about mental health. This helps create a safe and non-judgmental space for children to express their emotions, concerns, and experiences.

3. Enhanced Empathy and Support: Educated parents develop greater empathy towards their children’s mental health challenges. They can provide emotional support, validate their children’s feelings, and offer guidance and encouragement. This sense of understanding and support contributes to the child’s overall well-being.

4. Reduced Stigma: Parent education helps break down the stigma associated with mental health. When parents are knowledgeable about mental health conditions, they can challenge misconceptions and promote acceptance within their families and communities. This reduces the shame and judgment that children may face, fostering a supportive environment for their mental health.

5. Early Intervention: Educated parents are more likely to recognize early signs of mental health issues in their children. They can take proactive steps to seek professional help and intervention at an early stage, leading to better treatment outcomes and preventing the escalation of symptoms.

6. Collaborative Approach: Parent education promotes collaboration between parents and mental health professionals. Educated parents can actively participate in their child’s treatment plan, understand therapeutic techniques, and reinforce interventions at home. This collaborative approach ensures a comprehensive support system for the child’s mental health.

7. Improved Resilience: Parent education equips parents with strategies to promote their child’s resilience and coping skills. They learn techniques to foster emotional regulation, problem-solving, and stress management. These skills help children navigate challenges and build resilience, enhancing their overall mental well-being.

8. Self-Care: Parent education emphasizes the importance of self-care for parents themselves. It encourages parents to prioritize their own mental health, seek support when needed, and practice self-care strategies. When parents are emotionally well, they can better support and care for their children’s mental health.

Overcoming Anxiety Through Spiritual Alignment

This workshop is done in a 2-Part series. Each session will last 1.5 hours. We will examine how fear influences our actions and what the outcome of the actions have been. We will break down fear driven behaviors and what they have resulted in. Then we will discover what solutions God, or a Higher Power of your choosing, would have us utilize instead of the fear-based decisions and create a plan for moving forward with a path toward outgrowing fear.

More information available upon request.

cOMING sooN…..

SPECT Imaging

SPECT imaging provides an objective and quantitative assessment of brain structure and function. It can help identify specific abnormalities or irregularities in the brain that may be associated with mental illnesses. This objective data can complement subjective assessments and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the individual’s condition.

Currently all visits are self-pay and due day of appointment. Receipts can be submitted to insurance for possible reimbursement.

We will soon be accepting Cigna, United, Aetna, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield

There IS Hope, Even When Your Brain Tells You There Isn’t

If you feel you are unsafe call 911 or Suicide Hotline 855-274-7471


Contact Us:
Call: 615-359-6317
email: info@heal-thy-mind.life
Visit Us: 207 E. Franklin St, Gallatin, TN 37066

We will soon be accepting Cigna, United, Aetna, and Blue Cross & Blue Shiel

What are you waiting for?
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